John McDonald – President
New London County Fire Chiefs’ Association was established in 1932, for the purpose of providing mutual aid to neighboring towns and adjacent counties.
2025 Board of Directors

The Association continues to grow and we offer a wide cadre of support to member departments in time of need. We coordinate both the CERRIT HazMat Team and the CT Incident Management Team 4. The Association sponsors two monetary awards for students in the Fire Technology & Administration or Medical related career courses at the students college of choice.
The Connecticut State Firefighters Association selected NLCFCA to host their 175th annual convention and parade, which was held in New London in September of 2010.
Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except July) at various stations throughout the county staring at 1900 hours. Idea’s are exchanged, important information is disseminated, and the latest in fire and rescue equipment is exhibited. Each month we strive to have a dynamic and relevant speaker discussion the hot topic at the moment.
Feel free to visit this website and view the various aspects the county is involved in and has to offer. If you are a line officer of any type in a New London County or neighboring affiliated Fire or EMS agency, you should consider becoming a member of the NLCFCA. Submit your application to the Financial Secretary with a $15.00 application fee to the address listed.